• Health Statistics and You

    We are awash in numbers, thanks in large part to the proliferation of personal mobile devices and the wrong-headed use of so-called big data.1 But applying statistical tools to the same set of data can support competing theories and lead to contradictory results. Such conflicting outcomes, known as antinomies

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  • Helping Your Chiropractor Help You

    Your chiropractor has many powerful tools at his or her disposal to help you get well. These powerful tools include chiropractic care itself and specialized knowledge in nutrition, exercise, and rehabilitation. There are some things that you, too, can bring to the chiropractor-patient relationship in

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  • Meditation and Me

    For many of us, the practice of meditation seems like a totally foreign notion. In an era of full-time, morning-to-night distractions and distractibility, the concept of quietly sitting with nothing else to do seems impossibly ridiculous. Why would anyone do that, we ask, as we text message with one

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  • New Beginnings

    The time is always right to begin returning to good health. Regardless of whether your issues involve weight, exercise, diet, blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic pain, now is the time to begin taking action on your own behalf. You are not alone. Literally hundreds of millions of people worldwide have

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  • Remember to Schedule Your Spinal Screening

    Most of us have undergone some type of screening exam in the last several years. Depending on your age, personal history, and family history, you may have needed to go for a periodic mammography, colonoscopy, or cardiac stress test. If everything was fine, you have probably been instructed to follow-up

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  • The Circle of Life

    Many people - adults and children - are familiar with the marvelous animated feature "The Lion King". Most have found themselves humming the film's theme "The Circle of Life" long after they've stopped actively thinking about the film itself. "The Circle of Life" is not only a terrifically catchy tune,

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  • The Light Within

    What animates us? In other words, what is it that causes us to be living matter? For example, what distinguishes a living orchid from a tissue-paper-and-paint model of an orchid? Or what distinguishes a hawk from an airplane? What is it that causes the material that is us to hold together and function

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  • The Natural World

    The natural world functions very well on its own. Left to their own devices, members of the tens of millions of species on our planet thrive and prosper without relying on outside agencies. In order to grow abundantly, plants consume carbon dioxide, water, and nutrients from the soil. Likewise, herbivorous

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  • Your Inner Ecology

    In April 2010 the BP Deep Horizon drilling rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, resulting in a catastrophic offshore oil spill. Millions of barrels of oil have spilled into the Gulf since the explosion, representing an unprecedented environmental disaster. Many complex ecosystems are affected by the oil

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  • Your Personal Health Insurance Policy

    Everyone is aware of the extremely high cost of most health care services. These costs can be measured not only in cash outlays, but also in time spent at a doctor's office. Waiting times can often be an hour or more for a comprehensive physical examination at a family physician's or internist's office.

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  • Weight Loss Secrets - Drink Plenty of Water

    Overweight and obesity are common health problems worldwide. Food plans that work - those that help people lose weight and help them keep the weight off - embody only a few simple principles. These weight loss secrets include eating five or six small meals each day, combining protein and carbohydrates

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  • Top Two Tips for Reaching Your Normal Weight

    It's well-known that one-third of American adults are overweight and an additional one-third are obese.1 In addition, 17% of U.S. children and adolescents are obese.2 Worldwide statistics are similar. These facts are strongly associated with ongoing epidemics in diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Diabetes

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  • Anxiety - Wide-Ranging Health Effects

    Humans appear to be hard-wired for modest levels of anxiety as a fear-arousal warning mechanism. Anxiety may be characterized as uneasiness, fear, worry, and apprehension. Anxiety is a common psychological state in which the basic message is "get away from this situation". The state is usually accompanied

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  • Strong Bones Are Healthy Bones

    As with the rest of our physical selves, we don't think about our bones until something goes wrong. Bones are just there, under the surface and unseen, normally never taking up space in our conscious thought processes. Trauma, of course, can injure a bone. But in most circumstances a bone bruise or a

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  • Forever Young

    Most of us like to think of ourselves as young: young in heart at least, if not actually young in years. But is it possible to stay "forever young" in terms of health and wellness? Of course, probably no one would want to remain forever young in terms of life experience. Our experiences give us character

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  • Decompression

    Did you know that your spinal column's spongy intervertebral discs (IVDs) comprise 25% of this segmented structure's entire length? Did you know that an adult's spinal column is approximately 24-28 inches in length? A little quick math shows that the total height of your spinal discs is approximately

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  • "SUCCESS!!
    I had been experiencing tightness in my lower left back and buttocks going down the exterior of my left leg for about six months. I tried adjusting my posture and doing frequent stretching exercises. Although the problem didn't get worse, neither did it improve.
    After my first visit with Dr. Rich, I noticed a huge improvement. The pain down my leg reduced by 80% and the tightness in my back and buttocks improved too. Thus far I have had four sessions and continue to feel better with each visit. If not for Dr. Rich's treatments, who knows how long I would have continued living day to day with this irritating constant pain."
  • "Thank You!!
    I want to thank you all so much for the care I received following my recent motorcycle accident.
    I came to my therapy the following Tuesday with a knot in my back that felt the size of a racquetball. After three sessions of very deep and hard massage it was finally broken up and has not come back since.
    Additionally all the work that Dr. Rich did on my spine, knees, left foot and shoulder joints have both relieved a great deal of pain and resulted in what I believe is an overall improvement in function.
    All in all by the time Dr. Rich recently released me, I feel that my back and joints are in better condition than before the accident. They certainly feel better.
    I cannot thank you enough."
  • "I Feel Great!
    I started treatment with Dr. Rich and Christina, his wonderful massage therapist about two months ago. I had an appointment to see the nutritionist and arrived early so someone suggested to get a massage and I shared my neck and shoulder discomfort.
    I ended up being treated by Dr. Rich and he adjusted my neck, back and shoulder and I could not be happier. I never thought that all of my neck, shoulder and back issues would go away. I am a nurse and had been suffering with this pain for about a year. I am now able to work out and use my shoulder. My neck doesn't hurt and I am a happier person.
    Thank you so much Dr. Rich and Christina!"